Sunday 6 April 2008

The IWB Challenge!

Jess McCulloch is a teacher of Chinese in the seaside town of Warrnambool on the south west coast of Victoria, Australia. She teaches students from 5 to 17 years old and is very keen to develop her own use of the interactive whiteboard. She is also a prolific blogger with lots of tips, hints and useful resources to be found on her Technolote blog.

Her IWB challenge is the following:

*Using the SMART Board in at least two new ways each week.
*Posting a ‘Weekly Whiteboard Workout’ post on her Technolote blog on Wednesdays on her blog to talk about what she has done.
*Making sure the students are directly involved in using the SMART Board-considering impact on the students involved and the rest of the class
*Finding some great IWB resources to share

I feel this is a great opportunity to concentrate on regularly developing whiteboard skills and I aim to post any “steps forward” on My Languages on Friday.

More details and for a peak at Jess McCullogh’s classroom see

Is anybody else up to The IWB Challenge?

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