Thursday 7 August 2008

The IWB Challenge is Back!

Jess McCulloch is a teacher of Chinese in the seaside town of Warrnambool on the south west coast of Victoria, Australia. She teaches students from 5 to 17 years old and is very keen to develop her own use of the interactive whiteboard. She is also a prolific blogger with lots of tips, hints and useful resources to be found on her fantastic Technolote blog.

Her original April 08 IWB challenge focused on:

*Using the SMART Board in at least two new ways each week ;

*Posting a ‘Weekly Whiteboard Workout’ post on her Technolote blog ;

*Making sure all students are directly involved in interacting with the SMART Board-considering impact on the students directly involved and the rest of the class ;

*Finding some great IWB resources to share.

This has been a great opportunity to concentrate on regularly developing whiteboard skills and share experiences through blog posts.

The IWB challenge is back. It is now bigger and even better !!

It starts in August, which means that some of us will have more preparation time, but what a fantastic way to focus for our new academic year…

Check out the IWB Challenge Wiki for all the details of the 7 challenges set (one a week) and for a look at who is taking part.

IWB experts from all over the world will be helping by setting the challenges and there are already quite a few interesting links for support. More can also be found here .

This promises to be the best CPD session ever… See you there!


Anonymous said...

Hey Isabelle,
thank you for all your support and comments here!
There's more interest in the challenge than I thought there would be which is just so fantastic and encouraging. Looking forward to seeing what it produces :-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I was so excited that someone was reading!!!! I am looking forward to meeting new people and being inspired.